From home...I know they exist. People tell me oh think of something you love and do that. Well I am not a crafty person. I try, but it is just not me. So what can I do from home that I like and make money at it. I used to like babysitting, then I got my own babies, so I don't know how much I want to take on others kids. I have thought hey I could watch a couple kids before and after school here, but how does one find these children. I live in a neighborhood full of hermits!! Not a single soul is ever out and about around here. We have lived here four and a half years and I know one neighbor well (they live right next door) and we kind of know the people next to them. This is not for lack of trying either, I go on walks with the kids when the weather is good, but usually we are the only ones out....ok I am rambling!
I love to bake, really I do, but what can one do with baking? I am not a crafty baker. Meaning - I have not artistic bone in my body! I can bake a good cookie, but decorate it, not in my capablities! Cupcakes, you got it, make them look all cute, nope! So that isn't going to get me far. So that leaves my love of Disney/addiction to it! Well that is something that costs me money, not makes me money...hence needing the job!! LOL So any mommies out there know of a way to make some cash from home? Legitimate ways?!
I have tried a few and they all are fake and frauds, but oh well live and learn. I had a friend tell me to think about working as a Disney Specialist for a online travel agency. Hard to get into and VERY little money it. I looked into it years ago and found that it is a lot of work without much pay. I would love to help people plan their trips and maybe charge a fee, but come on, who is going to pay for that?! No one I know, which leads me to trying to promote it to strangers, which won't happen.
Speaking of Disney - looks like our trip that I was looking forward to is on the back burner. :-( We were going on the cheap (yes you can do Disney fairly cheap!) and things got a bit out of control. Emma is a bit sad about it, but she is three, this to shall pass for her, right? It seems that at 3 she is remembering more and more. When she was just a little younger I could tell her that we were going to go to Disney and then have things fall through and she wouldn't remember anything about it. Now this trip is all she talks about. She keeps telling me all the things she wants to do there. So tonight I told her it was looking like we weren't going to be able to go, that things were just not working out. She said it's ok mommy, we can go. I said no Emma we can't, but Mommy will try. I told her that we were going with friends and they may not go anymore and she said oh ok, we can just go with Meme then! I told her Disney costs lots of dollars and she told me she had money in her piggy bank! Poor kid! :-( Just doesn't get it.
I don't know who is sadder about the possible cancellation of our trip - me or her. Oh well, we will get back to our happy place. Now to figure out!! If you are a friend of mine on facebook or in real life or where ever, you know that Disney is always on my mind, poor Jon, and everyone around me!
So back to money making at home....anyone with an idea for me, just comment and tell me. That is assuming there are people reading this!!! LOL
Happy Reading and good night! :-)