Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Expo Tv

So I am finally going to start uploading to Expotv.com.  It is a great way to make some extra cash and I am looking forward to getting started as soon as I get the kids down for nap today.  For those that don't know what Expo Tv is, it is a site that does consumer video reviews.  Then the consumer that makes the review gets paid for doing it by expo - $5 to $20 (not bad!) and you also get paid a penny per view for it.  People can go there to get honest reviews on ANYTHING!  From vacation destinations, to food products, electronics, you name it, it has been reviewed!  Whats great is that they are HONEST reviews because it is someone that has used the product and will flat out say if they like it or not.  They are a minimum of one minute long and some go into great detail depending on what you are looking at.  But I think if you want an honest review on just about anything, it is a great place to go.  And if you want to make some extra cash, I will update as to how good it is since I am just getting started.  But I figure even if I only make the minimum of $5/video uploaded and I do 20/month that is an extra $100 cash in my pocket, and that is at a minimum, so not bad.  :-)  I will also update when I have uploaded some and you can go view them so I get my penny per view!  LOL  :-)

I will try to update here more often as well.  We have had a lot going on lately.  My pop-pop is very ill, so life has been more focused on that.  Anyway...there ya have it!

Happy reading and stay tuned!

Monday, March 9, 2009

So I have been MIA

So I have not been posting...here I was doing so well too.  Just haven't thought of much to write about.  Kids are good, life is going pretty well, all in all not much is new.  I rearranged my family room and love it because it makes me feel like I have a family room and play room which is a nice thing.  I was so sick of looking at toys everywhere, although I still kind of do.  I mean the kids keep bringing them over into the family room section to play, but at the end of the day, when they are in bed and I am being a grown up, it is nice to feel like I am in a grown up room and not a kids play room!  We just have so little space here it is driving me crazy.  

I look around and think I need to put this or that somewhere, problem being that there is no where left for said item to go, except for the bottomless pit - our work room/laundry room/storage room in the basement.  And I am sick of doing that.  I promised Jon I would stop on the moving talk,  but I really think I want to sell and possibly rent for awhile.  We won't have the equity to be able to put down a nice enough amount to get the size house we want, but I have found quite  few rentals that we could more than afford that are triple the size of our house now.  And man while the tax write off that comes with being a home owner is nice, I am really thinking renting is a nice alternative.  I mean there are negatives to it too, but there are in any situation.  I actually was looking and found the cutest place on 1.5 acres for $500 a month less than what we pay on our mortgage!  And it has 4 beds, 2.5 baths, a finished basement, a front porch...just so many things that I have been looking for in a house.  Oh and it has an option to buy...decisions decisions.  Well I will try to post more and remember to put up pictures, but I can't promise anything.  :-)

Happy reading!